Thank you for joining us, sister!


Welcome Beloved One,

We are honored and excited to journey with you over 3 sacred days within the Samhain Portal.  Thank you for entrusting us to walk you through the Threshold into the Otherworld to experience essential Release, needed Refuge, desired Revelation, and potent Remembrance of your Soul Self.

Please check your email now for for the first steps to get you settled in for this epic pilgrimage into the Otherworld.  If you don't see an email from us, please check your spam folder and promotions folder if you use Gmail.  And, you can add to your contacts list to ensure that you receive all emails for our time together.

This is one of our favorite times of the Year for the depth of Mystery that is felt and received.  What a blessing to be able to Circle with you and so many other Priestesses around the World, supported by Cerridwen, The Morrigan, and Arianrhod, and the entire field of Avalon.

Across the Threshold, we walk....

With All of Our Love,
Ameya and Achintya
